About Us

What Sets Us Apart

1. 100% Natural Ingredients

No artificial ingredients or preservatives

2. 100% Grassfed Milk

How cows were meant to be raised

3. We Give Back

A percent of proceeds are donated to local animal charities


About Blue Hound Brew

Welcome to Blue Hound Brew, where coffee meets compassion. We're not just a coffee company; we're a community of coffee lovers with a purpose. Our journey began in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, with a simple idea: to craft exceptional canned cold brew coffee while making a positive impact on the world around us.

Our Mission

At Blue Hound Brew, we believe that great coffee should not only tantalize your taste buds but also warm your heart. That's why we've made it our mission to blend premium coffee with a commitment to giving back. With every sip of our cold brew, you're helping us support animal-based charities and shelters. We're dedicated to making a difference, one cup at a time.

Our Coffee

Craftsmanship and quality are at the core of what we do. We take pride in sourcing our coffee directly from farmers who share our commitment to ethical and sustainable practices. By forging direct partnerships with these farmers, we ensure that every cup of Blue Hound Brew embodies the rich flavors of Nashville and the dedication of those who grow it.

Meet Our Founder, Cole Koeberer

Behind every cup of Blue Hound Brew stands a passionate individual with a deep love for animals and a dedication to their well-being. Cole Koeberer, our founder, holds a degree in pre-veterinary animal science and has spent two years working as a veterinary technician. His experience in the field has instilled in him a profound appreciation for the bond between humans and animals.

It's this love for animals that drives our commitment to supporting animal-based charities. With every purchase, you're helping us make a positive impact in the lives of those who cannot speak for themselves.

Why Choose Blue Hound Brew?

- Community Connection: We're proud to be a Nashville-based company, deeply connected to our community. When you choose Blue Hound Brew, you're supporting a local business with a global mission.

- Ethical Sourcing: We source our coffee beans directly from farmers who share our values, ensuring fair compensation and sustainable practices.

- Giving Back: A percentage of all our proceeds goes directly to animal-based charities and shelters. Your coffee habit has never felt this good!

Join Our Community

We invite you to be a part of our coffee-loving, compassionate community. Follow us on social media, or order our cold brew online. Together, we can make a positive impact, one cup of coffee at a time.

Thank you for choosing Blue Hound Brew. Let's brew good together!